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Life’s challenges can leave even the strongest of people replacing hope with doubt and fear. Several times throughout the Bible, God reminds His people to “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid…for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6 NKJV)
Having listened to the negative voices in the past you may be carrying hurt deep with in your heart that needs to be exposed to be healed. There may be such hurt and pain, or unforgiveness so repressed that you don’t remember what actually happened. I’ve heard it said of generational family feuds and long running marriage problems, that no one involved can clearly articulate what started the dispute. What a waste of opportunity for living in hope when you can’t remember what started an argument. 
A significant key to hope is to apprehend what God says about you and surrender all your hurt to Him.  Healing so deep can be painful. It is also the place of new beginnings.  Birthing a new life is painful, ask any mother.  
Some of the things that the Bible records of God saying about you includes how you are His beloved, His pearl of great price, you are more than a conqueror. 
The Bible also says that God has given you a spirit of power, love and self-control, not one of fear. That He has placed within you the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. The ability to be strong and very courageous in all circumstances is repeated several times under different circumstances. 
God also says He will provide a place of rest from the battles within and without. When you have Him as Lord of all of your life, you are not immune from life’s challenges, but He gives you the ability to overcome any test or temptation that comes your way. He also promises to never leave you, or forsake you.  
The mess, test or pain you are or have experienced could be the very thing that God is waiting to show you just how much He loves and cares for you.  Your breakthrough, and witness of it could be the very thing that helps someone else regain hope. Every human being past, present and future, has been created in God’s own image. It stands to reason then, that His desire for your life is not to set up residence in the darkness but continue to walk through all of life’s experiences. If you don’t turn towards the light, you may never see how bright your future can really be. 
If there is so much positivity that God has spoken over your life, don’t you think that it is worth placing all you hope in what He says about you and not the negative influences of this world?

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