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Read Time:3 Minute, 13 Second

Four principles commonly associated with Christianity, or the Bible include: Discipleship, Fellowship, Stewardship and Worship.


To be a disciple is to follow the teachings of a person or school of thought.  Discipleship is to be actively engaging with the teaching of whom you are following.

  1. Does the concept of discipleship sound appealing or discouraging to you?  What experiences have shaped your mindset?
  2. Are you really busy or do you just have a full schedule?
  3. When was the last time you heard from God, what did he say and what ave you done about it.  Maybe you haven’t heard from him lately….go back to the last thing he said and assess your response and obedience to it.
  4. Can you recall a significant change in your life that you can attribute directly to God?
  5. The current travel and gathering restrictions depending on where you live may be prohibiting your ability to continue to meet with others in the house of God.  How are you compensating for this loss?  (Many churches have embraced this seasons limitations as the ideal time to go online with their services and discipleship teachings.  Search for one that is in your local area, so you can become connected when physical gatherings are permitted).


Fellowship is about relationships, having an interest in another person or people group. 

  1. What is your cultural background and its emphasis on ‘table fellowship’, how do you embrace it?  
  2. Research shows the longterm benefits of a family eating a meal together multiple times per week.  Is this something that you do?  What other value systems do you hav tin place to nurture and grow your family?
  3. Have you ever been to a party that was under catered?  What was the atmosphere like?   Conversely, have you ever been overwhelmed at the generosity of a host with the quantity and quality of the food?  
  4. Have you ever asked Jesus to provide you with a miracle that wasn’t just about you?  What was it for?  What was your response at the outcome of your request?
  5. Do you think it is as easy for men to hang out with other men as it is for women to hang out together?


Stewardship is often only linked to bringing the tithe or giving an offering.  We all have gifts and talents in our lives.  Different levels of knowledge and talent provide different financial and other resources to support our lifestyle.  

  1. How does your view on tithing impact your attitude towards giving to charity, or buying a raffle / tattslotto ticket?
  2. How was hard work valued in your household growing up, and as an adult?
  3. How has your teachings about money impacted on how you view stewardship? 
  4. Do you see your current employment as work or as living out your passion?  How does it impact your attitude and productivity?
  5. Many people have not been able to undertake regular volunteer activities or hobbies this year.  If this is you, have you reviewed your motives behind the service you provide and what have you replaced that time with?


Webster’s dictionary defines worship as ‘reverent honour and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.’  

  1. What is your main area of worship? Why?
  2. Do you think that Worshipping God is just another old school, outdated religious concept?  Why?
  3. Are there areas of your life that are so important to you that you cannot bear the thought of missing out?  
  4. Do you attend a church on Sunday for worship then forget about God for the rest of the week?
  5. If Jesus was passionate about God and sharing the truth with anybody, what is your approach to sharing your passions with others?
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