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Read Time:3 Minute, 19 Second

Have you been feeling that you keep getting overlooked for a promotion, can’t seem to find that dream job?  I don’t work in HR but have had a few nterviews in my time.  From that experience, I’d like to share with you some questions that you can ask yourself that might help you understand differently.

  1.  Is your heart burdened or closed off?  If you base everything in life on past experiences, you might be setting yourself up for repeated failures and disappointments.  Have previous results been chipping away at your confidence? Have you been too busy comparing yourself and your successes to others?  If so, and you aren’t where you want to be, then maybe you could ask yourself if you’re holding grudges, resenting those above you in authority, or being too competitve that your confidence has become arrogance?
  2. Your eyes can’t see what is right in front of you.  Is there a gap between your current skills and the role you seek?  Is there a roadblock that is stopping you from progressing your career but can’t see a way around it?  Could you have different conversations with those senior or more experienced to you?  Is it possible that your covet the leadership responsibilities or salary benifits someone elses job rather than the actual job?
  3. Your ears aren’t hearing what others are saying.  There is a significant difference between listening and hearing.  If you hear what someone says to you, especially your employer or an interview panel, about the reasons for not having secured that role yet, you will be able to assess if that role really is for you, or what gaps need to be reduced before reapplying.  Technical skills can be learnt, as can behavioural mannerism.  It may be challenging to change you default personality type, but if you hear what is said to you by those whose opinions matter, you then need to make the changes required to ake progress.

You could call it ‘ground hog day’, or ‘just anothr day at the office’ when Jesus had a similar conversation with His disciples.  Jesus had just performed another miracle – the feeding of four thousand.  The legalistic religious people who always sought to undermine Jesus influence and authenticity began demanding another miracle.  After which Jesus’ disciples, forgetting what they had just witnessed began to argue about resources.  He asks them “Why are you arguing about having no bread (resources and provision) Don’t you yet understand even yet?  Are you’re hearts too hard to even take it in?  You have eyes – but can’t you see?  You have ears – but can’t you hear?” (Mark chapter 8 verses 14-21 NLT).
There are many things that we can learn, or relearn today from historical manuscripts and documents.  In this instance, the disciples were close to Jesus, He was their mentor. They had witnessed His skills and expertise in action turnng water into wine, feeding the masses from meager rations, healing sickness and disease, and other miracles.  The message Jesus was trying to get them to remember and apply was that the resources for all that they needed was right before them, everyday.  They were mentored by the Master.  Yet they struggled to develop the skills that would see them able to follow in Jesus’ footsteps, the way He related to all peoples He encountered and the way that he understood His rloe and undertook it passionately.
There may be a multitude of reasons why you haven’t landed that promotion or your dream job yet.  Can I suggest to you that looking around you, the resources at your disposal would be an ideal place to start.  Maybe you need a mentor in the area you wish to move into.  Maybe its time to pause and reassess where you want to go, your action plan and timeframe to get there.

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