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The world will tell you that mediocrity is acceptable. God’s word tell us that “in all things we are more than conquerer’s through Him who loved us. (Romans 8:37)” and “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)”

We all go through pain in our lives. Whether it be that initial slap on the buttocks at birth, relationship breakdowns or a financial meltdown, what we do with it shapes its influence on our remaining years. We can choose to either react (to act in opposition to a former condition or act), or respond (to react to a stimulus or to a treatment, especially in a favourable way).

  • The baby’s reaction is to cry, responding with opening its lungs for more breath; 
  • Relationship breakdowns may cause a reaction that is self destructive, where as a favourable response might include self reflection to understand how our own patterns of behaviour may have influenced the breakdown;
  • Financial meltdown reactions could include self harm or seeking out vices to find that illusive quick fix, whereas a favourable response might include adequate planning or change of habits.

The saying goes “God can turn your mess into a message, your test into a testimony, or your pain into gain.”  Learning how to respond rather than react to life’s situations can have a favourable outcome for your life, and for those around you.  It can be difficult seeing through the fog of challenges to see the future promises.  Remaining positive and pushing through can reduce the severity and frequency of the times you need to pick yourself up and keep moving forward.   

Two keys to achieving this are calling on God’s voice that can silence the negative voices.  Then once you learn how to use this key, you can begin to apprehend what God says about you, not the opinions of the naysayers. 

Determine within yourself today, that you will not let the barriers, attitudes and mindsets that have been negative influences on your past decisions to have a place of residence in your future.

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