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Read Time:2 Minute, 21 Second

SCRIPTURE:  Romans 8:1 “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (NKJV)
OBSERVATION:  Under Old Testament law, a sacrifice had to be made for the cleansing of all sins.  Since Christ’s death and ressurection was a once and for all sacrifice for the sins of all peoples, throughout all of histroy, Pauls states that we are no longer condemned to death as a result of our sinful natures but through Jesus’ sacrificial death, we can now be freed from condemnation into the fullness of a life restored to our creator God.
APPLICATION:  When our past is brought up, it can stir up emotions within us that either cause us to react or respond. When the enemy of our souls tries to remind us of our past, we are most likely to feel the emotion of condemnation. That is to feel that the forgiveness that Christs death and resurrection brought for us was not sufficient to cleanse that sin from our lives. Sometimes in the heat of an argument, or passionate discussion with a spouse, a friend or family member, we or they may react in a way that brings about condemnation in the atmosphere.  This can demonstrate to us that we have not forgiven a past issue or released someone of a hurt that is in the past. It may even be telling us that there is something we haven’t forgiven ourselves over.
Contrary, sometimes something from our past is brought up and the emotion of condemnation is absent, but we feel compelled to respond. This could be that there is still a lesson to be learnt, or some further equipping that is required. We may feel a prompting from the Holy Spirit about a lesson that God wanted us to learn from to help us on our journey to our destiny. It is also possible that we haven’t truly repented for a past sin and subsequently released someone from that bondage of unforgiveness.
I heard a saying that ‘unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die.’  Is there a past issue surfacing in your life that needs to be dealt with? To have the Blood of Jesus applied to it?  Which of the above is it?  If you are feeling condemned then don’t let it become a root of bitterness, but release the person (including yourself if approriate) and seek to be reconciled with them. If there is no condemnation then ask God what lesson still needs to be learnt so you can continue towards your destiny.  Maybe there is an attitude or mindset within you that needs adjusting.
PRAYER:  Lord God, guide me I pray to know when I need to forgive and to be forgiven so that no unforgiveness can take root in my life. IN JESUS NAME, AMEN

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