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Do you prefer Christmas Carols or Christmas Songs?
Firstly, let me define the difference for this discussion.  Christmas Carols are also referred to as Hymns about Christmas.  They speak of, and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Messiah in a town in Israel just over two thousand years ago.  Christmas Songs are often about a persons experience of Christmas or basically anything else to do with Christmas.  These could include trees, snow, chestnuts, presents, and of course Santa and Rudolf.
I grew up in a Christian home where we celebrated Christmas at church and with family get togethers, giving and receiving of gifts, family lunches, and visiting relatives. I remember we would ride on the back of tray trucks (before it bacame ‘unsafe’) singing along as the brass band played the tunes.  As a teeneager and adult I would join the band playing carols in the streets, the shopping malls and nursing homes.  A result of that is not knowing most of the words, but I can whistle or hum the tunes, and even remember the numbers for some in the carol tune book.
I worked in a large retail department store for 8 Christmas’ so I have also had good exposure to the Christmas songs that have been written over the years too, and the chaotic pace of the season.  There was a music store outside our shop that played christmas music constantly, as well as our store.  There are many carol services for people to attend each year, that undoubtedly play many different types of music and have a visit from Santa before the kids fall asleep.
I am personally aware that the Christmas season can be challenging when there are loved ones and family that are estranged or deceased.  Sometimes it is necessary to change the way you celebrate without forgetting or dishonouring those who you cannot be with, and give yourself permission to enjoy the season again.
I made a conscious decision a number of years ago to start to enjoy Christmas more. Playing a digital radio station daily that only plays Christmas music has changed my attitude.  I sometimes crank up the volume for the neighbours to hear and do sing along.  It can never replace playing in Brass Bands at this time of year, but it has got me singing again.
My preference is for the Christmas Carols over Songs.  My favourite carol is “O Holy Night” because it speaks of the birth of Jesus Christ and His purpose in being born.  However I do enjoy most of the Songs.  Singing along to “Santa Clause is coming to town,” “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas,” “Rudolf the red nose reindeer,” “I saw mummy kissing Santa Clause”…the list goes on.
Whether its a carol or a song, I believe they are all about celebrating various aspects of life, and I enjoy both types. One particular song has caught my attention this year.  “I wish it could be Christmas everyday” is a song about snow, makng people smile, skating in the park, Santa and his sleigh.  I began to realise that we can and should celebrate life everyday. If the true, original meaning of Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ as the Messiah could be celebrated everyday, then accepting that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Saviour is the start of that change of daily living and celebrating.
I wonder when I hear artists and musicians at Christmas time, whose lifestyle and belief system doesn’t reflect Christian values, what impact the meaning behind the Carols has on them. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ then I hope that His love will show through you own actions everyday of the year.  If you don’t yet follow Jesus Christ and profess Him as your personal Lord and Saviour, then I challenge you to go deeper with this season and make personal the words of the carols whose message is about the birth of your Lord and Saviour.  Consider how different your life can be and the world if you had a revelation of this.
Loving one another, breaking of chains of addiction and abuse, and the cesation of oppression is something that all peoples should have in common.  The last verse of my favourite carol goes like this…
”Truly He taught us to love one another
His law is love and His gospel is peace
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name.
Fall on your knees
Oh hear the angel voices
Oh night divine
Oh night when Christ was born
Oh night divine
Oh night divine”
What is your favourite…and why?

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