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Read Time:2 Minute, 14 Second

SCRIPTURE: John 18:1-11 “Jesus said the them, I am He.” And Judas who betrayed Him, also stood with them.  Now He said to them, “I am He,” they drew back and fell to the ground.” (v5-6 NKJV)
OBSERVATION:  Earlier, Judas had entered into an agreement to turn Jesus over to the cheif preists, the scribes and the elders.  Jesus had been praying in the Garden at Gethsemane, agonising over what was soon to transpire.  The quiet of the night soon turned into a scene of chaos and confusion.
APPLICATION:  Judas had agreed to identify Jesus with a kiss.  As he and the soldiers approached Jesus, the disciples who had been sleeping whislt Jesus prayed were now awake.  As the soldiers approached Jesus and the disciples, John’s gospel says that Jesus apporached them, knowing what was about to transpire and asked them “Whom are you seeking?”  They answered Jesus, saying that they sought “Jesus of Nazareth.”
These soldiers were only doing what they were ordered to do, unlikely aware of who this Jesus of Nazareth was that they were seeking.  Jesus response to their straight forward, yet profound question was simply “I am He.”  Repeating himself, saying “I am He” created a response that demonstrated the power in declaring Jesus’ name.  Those who had come to arrest him, found themselves kneeling in the presence of Jesus, the very spoken word declaring that Jesus was He, caused them to withdraw and fall to the ground.  Can you picture the scene?  The power in the Name of Jesus was so demonstrated, that by Jesus simply declaring “I am He” was enough to cause a physical response from those coming to arrest him.
Philippians 2:10 tells us that “at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow.”  If those coming to arrest Jesus couldn’t help but respond by kneeling at hearing the declared name of Jesus, do you think that those struggles, addicitions and attacks from the enemy of your soul need to submit to the name of Jesus also.  Have you declared the power in the Name of Jesus to those things in your life that are not from God.
PRAYER: Jesus, I bow right now where I am, in recognition of your supremacy in my life.  I declare your Name Jesus to be high above all others, and that anything in my life that has not submitted to your authority, I declare your Name above them.  Release me into the freedom that your bought for me as I pause this Easter. In Your Name, Jesus, AMEN.

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