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Read Time:2 Minute, 18 Second

SCRIPTURE: Exekiel 47:1-12 “And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live.  There will be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there; for they will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river goes.” (v9 NKJV)
OBSERVATION:  Ezekiel describes a vision that progresses from the Temple of God where there is a flow of water that comes from within the centre of the Temple and increases as it flows outwards.  The progression of this vision demonstrates the increase as the river flows outward.  As he travels along the bank of the river, there are markers where the depth is noted as being deeper than the previous marker, until the water level required him to swim.
APPLICATION:  This story presents a challenge to the reader. A challenge of where you are at on your journey of faith.  Since you became a Christian, have you remianed in the shallows, dipping your toes?  Have you prorgessed into the deeper waters, getting water up to your knees, or have you gone beyond the depth where your feet can no longer touch the bottom?  The story does not place judgement on you if you remain dipping your toes in the shallows.  To the contrary, where ever the river flows, there is life.  The key here is the flow of the river.
A river that has been flowing for many years can meander around obstacles until it  eventually forces its way through to create a more direct flow.  When a river is blocked from its natural course, the flow is stiffled, slowed down, or even dammed – it becomes a reservoir.  It may be a slow progression where the change in speed of the water isn’t too obvious.  However, anythng that depends upon the flow for life, the movement of life giving sustainance will begin to deteriorate.
What kind of river does your life currently represent?  Is there a flow about you, that the life giving nutrients that you feed yourself with is impacting those around you?  When people bump into you, are they left with a splash of the life within you?  Or are there barriers, attitudes or mindsets that are having a toxic impact on all that comes out from within you?  Have you been contending to breakthrough obstacles for years, even decades?  Try changing your outward expression to one of Praise and Thanksgiving.  Try complimenting others or smile at those you come into contact each day.
PRAYER:  Lord, show me how to bring life and healing to all by what comes out of me. In Jesus Name.

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