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Each night when you look up to the night sky, you are witnessing the glory of God as described in Psalms 19:1-2, which says: 

The heavens declare the glory of God;

And the firmament shows His handiwork.

Day unto day utters speech,

And night unto night reveals knowledge.

The glory of God however, is much more than a light show and more accessible than the billions of starts on show in the night sky.  What does it look like, what does it sound like, and how can it be accessed?  How can we engage with something that has such a depth of meaning.  

In addition to adoring praise or worshipful thanksgiving of God or religious system, Websters Dictionary includes in its definitions statements such as “very great praise, honour, a source of fame, or admiration; an object of pride.

Research shows that there are over 30,000 songs based on the theme of glory.  According to nameberry.com it is a girls name that was ranked 820th in 2019.  

If it is more than the name of a song, a persons name, a nightly light show in the sky, or even something many wish they had more of.  It must then be multi-dimensional with many expression.

There are three dimensions, or realms of Glory, each of which works with each other, revealing the whole glory.

The DOXA Glory.

This greek word used for glory in Matthew 25:31 speaks of the time that the Son of Man will come in His glory.  It speaks of honour, renown and splendour.  It speaks to a glorious state that is exalted high above all others.  It is representative of the the perfect state of blessedness that all believers are promised.  It connects us to the kingly majesty of Jesus Christ.  

Strong’s definition (#1391) demonstrates the powerful nature of doxa as used 168 times in the New Testament.  Some of these examples include:

Matthew 19:28: ‘in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon.’

Mark 8:38: ‘when he cometh in the glory of his Father.’

Luke 12:27: ‘in all his glory was not arrayed like one.’

Ephesians 1:17: ‘Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom.’

It is also described as a continual state of growth, in 2 Corinthians 3:18 where we are told that in the Spirit we ‘are changed from glory (doxa) unto glory (doxa).’

When we surrender ourselves to the rightful authority of Jesus Christ and become aware of his kingly position, we are experiencing the doxa glory.

This type of glory can come upon us during dreams, in worship, or through a vision.  It is the moment when we are fully and completely aware that Jesus is Lord.

The Shekinah Glory

The glory of God, displayed with visible changes in the atmosphere is known as the Shekinah Glory.  This Hebrew word translates as meaning ‘the dwelling or settling.’  

Several examples from the Old Testament the describe the imagery of this dimension include:

Exodus 40:34-38 describes it as ‘the cloud (that) covered the tabernacle of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle…For the cloud of the LORD was above the tabernacle by day, and fire was over it by night.’

Isaiah 6:1 ‘I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.’

Ezekiel 1:28 ‘Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD.’

Ezekiel 8:4 ‘And behold, the glory of the God of Israel was there, like the vision that I saw in the plain.’

Jesus also described this dimension of glory in the New testament as being His Shekinah glory presence where ‘two or three are gathered in His name, there His presence is too.’ (Matthew 8:20).

It is important to note that when this glory appears on a person, it is not a sign of greater anointing or authority upon them.  It is completely a sign of God’s desire to release His glory and presence in that time and place.  This is confirmed in Exodus 9:16 ‘But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.’  1 Kings 8:60 also confirms this ‘that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God; there is no other.’

The Kabod Glory.

The Hebrew meaning of kabod is ‘heaviness or weight.’  Manifesting the greatness and superiority of the LORD, this dimension is often described as being like a cloud descending with heaviness onto the area it falls.  2 Chronicles 7:2 states that ‘the priests could not enter the temple of the LORD because the glory of the LORD filled it.’

This weighty glory can appear in the midst of trial, changing the heaviness of depression and struggles into the weightiness of the LORD’s glory, giving us the assurance that the issues of this world are only temporal.  2 Corinthians 4:17-18 affirms this: 

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.’

Moses also heard from the LORD in the appearance of a cloud in Exodus 19:9 ‘And the LORD said to Moses, “Behold, I come to you in the thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with you, and believe you forever.”‘ As with Moses’ message to the Israelites in the remaining verse of chapter 9, when God speaks, we should take note.  Listening to the LORD in these encounters can bring new wisdom and revelation.  Instruction for managing the struggles at hand or for future direction may be contained in these encounters.

Psalms 91 is another confirmation of the peace we can find in this kabod cloud of His glory.  “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress;  My God, in Him I will trust.””  Just as a shade is provided by a cloud, so to a shadow is cast from a cloud.  This kabod cloud is that place of true we find refuge from the temporal issues of this world.

When we become accustomed to the reasons for the kabod clouds of glory, we will be at peace and can rejoice when Jesus Christ returns.  We will not be fearful for Luke 21:27 tells us that we ‘will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.’ 

How can we see these different dimensions of glory expressed in our lives?

The absence of earthly fear.

When we walk in the glory, we have nothing to fear.  The glory opens and closes doors.  Psalms 37:23-24 tells us that ‘The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the LORD upholds him with His hand.’  

When we are walking in His glory, we have a sense of purpose.  Jesus tells us that He is the ‘the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.’

This assurance provides comfort when we are questioning why door are closing that we wanted or thought should be opened.  If we have fallen in some area of our lives journey, a closed door may never open because the doors shut by the LORD will not be reopened. (Revelation 3:7-8)

Expressed through increased Spontaneity

Following in the lead of the LORD into His glory, we often go places we wouldn’t normally.  We often say and do things that the glory empowers us to do.  As we become more sensitive to the leading of the LORD into this glory realm, our ability to flow with its moving is increased as we learn to follow His leading.  

When combined with the power of the anointing on our lives, allowing it to be smeared all over us, rubbed into us, be marinated in we have no choice but to respond.  One main example of the combination of the anointing and the glory is the empowerment to fulfil the Great Commission.  Mark 16:15 contains the commandment from Jesus Christ to ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.’  We find ourselves able to go places we wouldn’t normally, say things we wouldn’t normally and impact the world for God.

Moving from the anointing to the glory is a shift from working miracles from a personal level to the atmosphere of heaven transforming all those who come into contact with it.  The depth of this transformation comes from a direct impartation from God.  Yielding to this realm brings the reality of heaven to earth.

Examples of the impacts of the anointed glory are found in the works (or Acts) of the Apostles.  The empowering that came upon the disciples who were gathered in the Upper Room at Pentecost (Acts 1-2) was the catalyst for this movement and increase in boldness.  

In Acts 4 a massive crowd of people had gathered making it impossible, in mans strength, to minister to all those who came seeking a miracle.  Only an outpouring of the glory of God could meet this need.  The apostles called unto the LORD to fill them with the boldness needed to perform the miracles, that were needed in the LORD’s name.

When all three realms are combined there is a power shift.  The greek word dunamis power of the anointing (miraculous power, might and strength) is better expressed as the episkiazo power.  A greek word that describes the New Testament cloud of glory having and overshadowing and supernatural influence.  When the Apostle Peter walked in this glory, his very shadow was changing lives.  Miracles signs and wonders were breaking out where ever his shadow appeared. This is demonstrated in Acts 5:15-16, where masses of people who were sick were brought out into the streets as the Apostle Peter walked past.  The hope of these people was that the presence of God’s glory being carried by Peter would transform their lives from the sickness, disease and grief they carried into fully restored people, physically and emotionally.   

Other examples of this glory (episkiazo power) overshadowing people in scripture include:

  • When the angel Gabriel spoke to Mary regarding her becoming pregnant to carry Jesus (Luke 1:26-38), and
  • When Peter, James and John witnessed the Transfiguration of Christ, and the appearance of Moses and Elijah. (Matthew 17:1-8, Mark 9:2-8, Luke 9:28-36).

Whilst the anointing is a personal touch from God, the glory is an atmospheric or corporate impartation direct from God to accelerate His purposes on earth.  Importantly, the only prerequisite for such an impartation is a desire for God to move in that way, it is not determined by social status, educational level or denominational allegiances.  The willingness to receive and move in this impartation will propel those who desire it to do exploits for the Kingdom, to say, do and behave like they never believed possible.  It will be the glory that makes all the difference.

The influence of God’s glory has no boundaries.  There is no place on this earth that it cannot reach.  There is no situation or circumstance that its miraculous power cannot touch.

Click here if you want to learn more about going deeper in your understanding on the different dimensions and expressions of the glory.

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