Category Mid Week Motivation

Weekly Videos to inform, inspire and impart.

After the party!

After a life transforming event, what happens when life returns to normal? In this weeks video I look at what may have transpired after the prodigal son had feasted upon his return home. (Luke 15). #thursdaysthought #information #inspiration #impartation

Goodness and Generosity

Does the audience impact on your demonstration of goodness and generosity?

Faithfulness to what?

Your level of faithfulness is a direct correlation to your blessings!

Kindness and Goodness

We could all do with showing more kindness and goodness as well as receiving both. The demonstration of these virtues cannot occur in isolation, they are activated in our interactions with other people.  How then can we be inspired to… Continue Reading →

What kind of peace are you looking for?

Regardless of your world view, it is safe to safe that everyone would appreciate more peace. However, peace is not limited to the absence of conflict. In this weeks #information, #inspiriation & #impartation video, you will learn about four different… Continue Reading →

Expressing Joy

does your default personality inhibit your expression of joy?

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